Like many in my community I am perplexed by your negative and often nasty comments. I am unsure why you bother to engage with us.
I am sure you have put yourself out there and shared your passions in some way terrified to be judged and criticized.
I have the same fears every day, my products are handmade and I put so much care into each order. My staff and family can not understand why you would make such unsupportive comments about our business.
I care fiercely about my business, my customers and the community we have created together. I started a business based on my passions, we have been going almost 10 years and I am very proud of what I do and my wonderful customers and the community we have created.
As you can imagine having a small business business is very hard in regional Victoria especially at the moment. We are all on edge and your comments are upsetting.
When you make these comments it is like you are criticizing one of my children, it hurts. We may think we are disgusting, expensive or whatever ... that is fine but do you need to tell us!
Of course during COVID times hankie lovers are being more vigilant and responsible, I see people doing some unhygienic things with tissues and face masks every day not sure hankies are the only thing we have to worry about.
Do you know by commenting and engaging you will attract more hankie content and advertisements. if you dont like us fine, we are not for yo

I could argue the benefits of hankies and why I love them but I respect hankies are not for you and I respect your opinion please respect that we LOVE them for many reasons not just blowing your nose.
Take care & stay well
Owner, Boutique Heidi
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