When sitting down to write about Mother's Day and all the feelings it evokes, the ups, downs and the round abouts of emotions ... it started me thinking.
I love to give and feel I am good at the art of gift giving. Then I started to think.... and I realised that maybe I am not the best gift receiver.
My mum gave me this photo recently for my birthday, I had forgotten about it and I was soooo excited to receive it! I squealed with joy! 😝
This is me below..... I remember this day and absolutely loving this dress and tutu!! It was a dress I preformed in singing and tap dancing to ... What are Little Girls are Made of! Sugar and Spice and all things nice!! (such an inappropriate rhyme now!!!)
I still have this dress, it was on a notice board in my bedroom growing up, I still have the notice board with the dress pinned to it.
As many know I believe it is not the actual item that is important but all those feelings associated with the item we treasure. Like a Handkerchief, this pink dress has so many good memories and feelings.
This time when I saw the photo I saw more than a dress.....👗
- The Photo is blurry .... that never happens now! Who takes a 1 blu
rry and keeps it... now our photos are smiles, sunshine and editing
- I am not really smiling, maybe I dont look happy ... .... I know I am happy ( I am wearing a tutu!!)
- Little girl peaking around the corner, I never noticed her before, eyes wide open and now I am intrigued who she is!
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