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Hankies & their Stories 

We will be holding our annual exhibition "Handkerchiefs & their Stories".It will be a showcase of Handkerchiefs from Hankie lovers in our community. Handkerchiefs will be on display along with their stories of how they were acquired, loved and the journeys they have had.

If you have a Hankie & a story please contact us we would love to hear from you, we can accept the actual Hankie or a photograph along with as little or as many words as needed (or call me and I can take your story over the phone)

Subscribers can download a copy of the "2018 Hankies their Stories Exhibition Booklet" here for FREE, click here

Contact: Heidi,  Tel: 0438 778 161

2019 Exhibition 

Heritage Weekend  25 & 26 May  - 10am-4pm

Exhibition continues from 29 May to 29 June

  • Wednesdays to Saturdays 10am-3.30pm 
  • Sundays 11am-3.30pm  


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1 comment

  • Kathryn Honey

    Hello Heidi,

    I hope you are well!

    I do miss coming over to Ballarat to have lunch at Little Square, however, things change and we all have to move on to other exciting things! I was wondering if you still gave the pieces of Liberty for sale. I make little bags and small pieces are perfect! Would love to hear from you and thanks a bunch, Kathryn 🐝💕😊🍯

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